In performing their duties, autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas shall, in accordance with the autonomous regulations of that ethnic autonomous area, use the spoken and written language or languages commonly used in that area.民族...
Autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas may, in accordance with the military system of the state and local needs, and with the approval of the State Council, organize local public security units to maintain public order.民族自治地方...
Autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas shall autonomously manage the educational, scientific, cultural, health and sports undertakings of their areas, protect and restore the cultural heritage of their ethnic groups, and promote th...
Autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas shall, under the guidance of state plans, autonomously plan for and manage local economic development.When the state is exploiting resources or establishing enterprises in an ethnic autonomous ...
Autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous areas shall have the autonomy to manage their local finances. All fiscal revenue which, according to the state financial system, belongs to an ethnic autonomous area should be autonomously allocated ...
The people’s congresses of ethnic autonomous areas shall have the power to formulate autonomous regulations and local-specific regulations in accordance with the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the ethnic groups in t...
1宪法在我心中 2网购订单被无故取消 法院判决APP商城开发者担责 3掏鸟窝 4可敬的消防员 5虚惊一场 6善行善意应得到善待 7《宪法》第二十九条 武装力量 8清代应敏斋析盗案中的司法智慧 9自由不是无法无天 10参与全民健身 共享美好生活 ——写在第十四个全民 11明代由兴至衰的“病根”或在刑制 12老子的矛盾观与道法自然思想 13法治文化谜语 14微光 15宪法序言第六段 16法 17《宪法》第七十一条 特定问题的调查委员会 18喜羊羊后传 19神奇的“魔法糖果” 20雪域少年梦 争做宪法小卫士 21护航小分队之正义号角 22从京剧《四进士》看古代的防止干预过问制度 23以文明多样性助力构建人类命运共同体 24沉迷手机 25不要强拦出租车