《宪法》第一百零七条 地方政府的职权
发布时间:2024-06-03 09:10:44 作者:本站编辑 来源:本站原创 浏览次数:
发布时间:2024-06-03 09:10:44 作者:本站编辑 来源:本站原创 浏览次数:
Local people’s governments at and above the county level shall, according to the authority invested in them as prescribed by law, manage administrative work related to the economy, education, science, culture, public health, sports, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, ethnic affairs, judicial administration, family planning, etc., within their administrative areas; and shall issue decisions and orders, appoint or remove, train, evaluate, and award or punish administrative employees.
The people’s governments of townships, ethnic townships and towns shall implement the resolutions of the people’s congresses at their level and the decisions and orders of state administrative organs at the next level up; they shall manage the administrative work of their respective administrative areas.
The people’s governments of provinces and cities directly under central government jurisdiction shall decide on the establishment of townships, ethnic townships and towns and their geographic division.